Today FinDatEx published the new EET 1.1.2. The new template is not a major update as the versioning number already indicates. This means, that there are no structural changes. Overall, there are several corrections of typos and the transitional scope 12 fields have been changed from “Mandatory/Conditional” to “Optional”, which will make the reporting a lot easier for many market participants given the current data challenges. Additionally, two new data fields have been introduced:

  • 30000_PAI_Snapshot_Frequency (Mandatory): Institutional investors are due to provide in their SFDR Entity level reportings based on quarterly calculations with quarterly snapshots. Quarterly Reference dates are 31st  March, 30th June, 31st October and 31st Dec, calculations being made on the closest previous day.
  • 70010_Financial_Instrument_Total_Fund_NAV_Or_Notional (Mandatory): NAV for a fund and Notional for structured products at PAI_Reference Date in EUR

The new template can be used starting from 31st December and is latest due end of March 2024 with regards to the Entity Level Reporting.

For more information please see

If you have any questions on the EET or need any help with your SFDR reporting, please let us know at any time.


Source: FinDatEx