FinDatex TPT V7: Key Enhancements for Solvency II Reporting and NACE Code Updates

Today, FinDatex published the release of TPT V7 for Solvency II reporting. This new version brings several key enhancements that further align it with recent industry and upcoming regulatory changes, including the new NACE code classification updates.  Key Enhancements in TPT V7 Enhanced SCR Calculations: TPT V7 introduces support for Read more…

Important Update for GPs and LPs: New Private Debt Fields Introduced in TPT V7

FinDatEx has released TPT V7 for public consultation, open until October 15th, 2024. This latest version brings key updates, including new fields for expected maturity dates and enhanced representation of Payment in Kind (PIK) features, among other important changes. These improvements are especially significant for GPs and LPs managing private Read more…